Mr Christopher Bentall

Charity details

Bowel Cancer UK

Registered Number 1071038

Service details

Cremation Service

07 January, 2025 13:15

Westerleigh Crematorium & Cemetery, Westerleigh Road, Westerleigh, BS37 8QP

Westerleigh Road, Westerleigh, BS37 8QP

Messages of condolence

With condolences to Jane and Andrew and their families for their sad loss; in loving memory of a very supportive brother

Mr Angus Bentall

With lifelong memories of a well loved cousin and condolences to Andrew, Jane and their families Peter & Ann

Mr Peter Bentall

I’m memory of a dear friend and fellow Rotarian

Mr Alan Emery

With condolences from all the Graham Bentall Family Jinny and Malcolm Carlyon

Mrs Virginia Carlyon